

Many of us find underarm sweating embarrassing.

You may be a businessman who is fed up with sweat marks on your shirts in meetings or someone who is constantly taking clothes and evening wear to the dry cleaners to be cleaned to get rid of smells and stains.

What happens during the treatment?

The treatment for hyperhidrosis or underarm sweating is a simple one using our anti-wrinkle injections in the armpit. This temporarily stops the sweat glands from producing sweat which dramatically reduces smells, odours and sweating for 6 – 9 months. The good news is, you do not start sweating more in other areas – the results will be less embarrassment and less money spent on cleaning. 

What results can I expect?

Results last 6 – 9 months

Treatment Time & Price

Treatment time: 30 minutes.

Price: please call the clinic for pricing

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